When I diet, I get my caffeine buzz on. All-the-while, the debate on whether I should be doing this rages on. There are those who believe that a lot of overweight people are insulin resistant and therefor shouldn't use caffeine because it causes you to gain weight (there's some real geeky biology stuff we could go into right here to explain it, but let's just skip it this time...you trust me, right)? The funny thing is most diet pills CONTAIN caffeine, so what's going on here?
Well, my thoughts are that there may be those who are overweight and insulin resistant (it would be unusual to be insulin resistant and not be at least a little overweight) and they shouldn't use caffeine, but there must be a lot more of us who aren't or those manufactures wouldn't be putting it in their products (it's one thing to put stuff in there that doesn't really work, but to use something that might make your clients GAIN weight...not happening. They want your money. Greed is a powerful motivator).
I personally think it is very beneficial to add caffeine to your diet when loosing weight, as long as you aren't ACTUALY insulin resistant. Think about it this way. When you cut calories out of your diet, you are essentially cutting back on the fuel you offer your body. Not only that, when you are doing it to loose weight, you are cutting your calories back below the fuel level your body needs on a daily bases. That's part of why it is so easy to get tired when you are dieting. Well, if there is one thing that can give you pretty instant energy – it's caffeine (three cheers!). On a side note: this also makes it a good choice just before a workout!
Not only that, studies show that it does increase your metabolism – more specifically there is some speculation that it increases thermogenesis, which is one of the ways your body burns up fuel (food). Add to it the fact that caffeine is a natural diuretic...so, well – let's just leave it at that – 'kay?
So, I try to start a little caffeine flowing in the morning and keep a little (not tons) in my system all day long. As a part of my larger plan, it seems to work really well. Plus...I really like caffeine, so it is a win-win!
One last thought - if you are a person who takes to stress easily, keep in mind that caffeine can heighten the experience of stress and anxiety. Study after study have shown that being stressed or anxious frequently are causes of weight gain. So, think about it carefully before you decide to get your caffeine buzz on!
I'm holding steady on the weight loss today. No gains, no losses.
Keep at it – you can do this! And let me hear from you.
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