Cheat Day! Who Hoo! I've decided that on cheat day, Sunday (don't you just LOVE the fact that a minister made “Cheat day” Sunday?! I know I do!), I will also give myself a little break on the blog. There will still be a post, but it will be short and to the point – a lot less science\health geek stuff! (You may celebrate now). So, without further adieu todays post:
There is a hormone that scientists recently discovered that is produced in the stomach that tell your brain, “Stop eating, ya' big dummy – we're full!” The thing is, once you are full it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to start producing the hormone (ok, so a little science\health geeky stuff).
Ever watch an over-weight person eat? It certainly isn't true for all of us over-weight people (talking about me, not necessarily you), but frequently what you'll find is that we are fast eaters. Clearly, that is a problem when it takes 20 minutes for you brain to get the message you are full. We are high achievers in getting more calories into our bellies before our brain knows what's going on. Um, Congrats?
There is one simple trick that helps immensely with this issue: put your fork down. No, I'm not making an overly simplistic joke at your expense; I'm not suggesting you just need to stop eating if you don't want to gain weight. Just put your fork down...between every bite. Do not pick it up until you have completely finished the previous bite (and yes that goes for spoons too). I think over time, you will be very pleased with the results.
End of week two and after cheat day, I'm on an even keel – total of 15 lbs lost. That's 3 lbs for the week.
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