Tea is great for weight loss. I'm not talking Tea Party tea here (that stuff is full of sugar and usually comes with a side of crispy, buttery, sugary, flaky tea biscuits). The tea we are talking about is Green Tea and while you can drink it if you want, I'd suggest taking it in pill form (without the side of cookies).
Much like some of my other favorite supplements, there are lots of benefits associated with taking green tea. You won't be surprised that my favorite is - it speeds up metabolism! (Score). That's right, a number of studies showed that people talking green tea had measurable increases in the body's themogenesis (their metabolic rate). It also seems to help regulate (slow down, reduce) the amount of body fat we store (Score, again!).
It has been associated with lots of different benefits. It contains caffeine and, while some will argue the point, caffeine gives you energy and is a pretty decent fat burner (and like so often, there will be more on that in a latter article...is anyone keeping a tally on all these “later article” subjects?). It also seems to reduce how many of the carbs you eat that are turned into fat (reducing fatty acid synthesis can lead to remarkable weight loss). And those are just the diet related benefits.
Other up sides include: helps prevent cardiovascular disease, lowers cholesterol (improving the good HDL), reduces the risk of esophageal cancer, may help reduce pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, and it helps regulate insulin.
As far as I'm concerned, this is another of those maybe-might-kinda work supplements that has enough research backing it up that it is simply worth taking.
Good news for me - back on track. Today's weigh in : 261- lost two more pounds for a total of 14 so far.
Keep at it – you can do this! And let me hear from you.
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