If you have ever lost serious amounts of weight before (I've lost 60 lbs and 90 lbs), you know about one of the most difficult problems that comes along with it (the following may not be suitable for squeamish readers): loose skin. Uggh.
Some would have you believe that the only/best solution for this problem is surgery. I have good news. That is not true. I also have bad news – it does take time and patients. OK, AND perseverance. Even after hitting your target weight, if you have skin that doesn't quite fit your new body, you still have some work ahead of you. Of course, if you think about how good you feel about your new body size, how proud you are of yourself for doing it, well – you can only imagine what it will fill like when you are no long afraid to hide it at the pool or beach.
So here's what you need to know about “resizing” skin (I've “resized” from XXXL to L before so trust me it can be done). First know that skin is very elastic (every once-pregnant woman can tell you this). The other thing to understand is fat and its relationship with your skin. As long as there is a thin layer of fat under that skin, it will be difficult for it to contract. So, your body fat percentage is very important in getting your body to completely resize. What that means is even if you have hit your target weight, you may now have to start thinking about a target body fat (something around 16% for men and around 26% for women). Here's something I can promise you, you will not see someone with loose sin who has very low body fat. Except in extenuating circumstances, it just doesn't happen.
How long you've had your skin stretched out also plays a role in its ability to return to your new body size. After all a pregnant woman has stretched her skin for only nine months therefor it still retains some of its original elasticity. So, returning the skin to its original size will probably happen faster. If you've been overweight for years it may take much longer to get it back to size. But remember – IT IS WORTH IT!
As I mentioned in my last article, H20 plays a vital role in the body, particularly in the operations of your organs. Well, your skin is an organ and hydration also plays and important role in its elasticity. So, stay well hydrated!
There are a few other things that have been shown to be beneficial in trying to tighten skin back up. The best results I've read about are with copper. So make sure you have the Recommended Daily Allowance in your diet (or daily vitamins). Other supplements that can be helpful: Vitamin C and E.
Don't think for a minute that you will need to resort to surgery (besides that might just be masking the issue not fixing it). What you need to give it is a little time, perseverance and patients.
Hey! This was my first response to one of you. Thanks for the question! Keep them coming.
After a week and a half of no weight loss, I've lost 3 lbs in the past 2 days! W00t! Keep at it – you can do this!
Update: I will be posting about WHAT to do to reduce your body fat percentage tomorrow.
I've been told that rubbing plain old hair conditioner (the cheap stuff) into your skin in the shower will help regain elasticity - any truth to that?
ReplyDeleteSome hair conditioner have Vitamin E in them, so I suppose it might work a little. I'd think you'd be better off just take Vitamin E.